Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mantra for the morning.

Yesterday while chit-chatting with the gals at work, we started talking about how we get through the day, and usually what makes some days more of a struggle than others. Well, it all came down to the thoughts we toss back and forth between each hour. Some thoughts pertain to life after work, conversations from the night before, sticky situations, and a lot of (ha I would say 95.5% of my thoughts are based upon food, mmm).

The energy put forth into making our days ones worth smiling about, or ones worth wishing would end, has a lot to do with the words we wake up saying. The ladies and I decided from here on out, we will stress the importance of saying a positive affirmation/mantra in the am. One saying that has become a favorite is, "The worst part is over."

Okay, so driving for the first time to work (miss the light rail commute, but picking my mom up at the airport after work is well worth the morning frenzy), I was bumper to bumper and felt my blood pressure rising. No bueno. What did I do to solve this rage on the rise? Thought about my morning mantra. Yup yup yup. And boy did it work wonders, well that and I played one of my favorite songs.

Today's thought, "Be positive!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A day like yesterday deserves light.

Let me just begin by saying I didn't write this post yesterday for the simple fact that I would be cursing every other word, and therefore making it a little difficult for you to understand what drizzled on my day.

I suppose you could say I was having a case of the Mondays, but yesterday was one for the record books. I woke up before the sun, planned on working up a sweat at the el gymnasio, but this mighty attempt failed. I went back to bed and by going back to bed, I slipped into a coma making the rest of the morning just a little off edge. Well trying to squeeze myself back into my morning routine, I rushed for the shower, noticed the water level was rising (and there wasn't enough hair in the drain to cause such a flood), so I disregarded the scenario at hand, finished my wash, clung to my towel and quickly released some fluid from my bladder (this part is necessary). So here I am, half-asleep, just flushed the toilet and beginning to find the toilet water now is now on the rise. 

What in the world is going on? Ahhh sh*t, "Brittanie think, think, doooooo something. The toilet water plus the Nile is pouring from every crevice of the toilet!"

Yup. Barf. Puke. Sick. That's right, the shower water warned me something ain't right, but my bladder needed an outlet, and I learned another lesson the hard way. So here I am, struggling to find enough towels to clean up this mess, plus dry my tears (somewhat true). I'm causing enough noise trying to be quiet, but now with a limited supply of towels on hand, I'm prowling the house for something, anything, to absorb this disaster...sorry sleeping beauty roomies.

I'm back on board attempting to make up for lost time, but of course this next step also didn't go as planned. While approaching my light rail station parking lot, I realize school has started, therefore more people are opting for alternative transportation and every parking space is occupied. Mmmm Hmmm. I missed my gym date, my clean toes were swimming in toilet water, and now I can't find a place to park. Great. Just great. 

I race my car across the street to a quiet neighborhood, slam my door shut and run my high-heeled-bound legs to the station, sweating as I board the train. With this chaotic morning now out of the way, the only thought I had racing around my mind the rest of my day was, "I can't wait to find out my car has been towed away to who knows where?"

This is where my day changes. The clock strikes 5, I rush to my train, and cross my fingers and toes the entire trip home only hoping and praying my car is still decorating someone's front yard. What do you know...she (as in my car) was there! :)

As my roller coaster cruised downhill after my 4 am alarm clock buzzed, my parked car turned yesterday's sinking ship and pity party around. "What happened next? I drove home to a house with two caring roommates and a backyard patio adorned with string lights. Nothing can make a girl happier than that! So what is to be taken from such a morning...A life surrounded by friends and light is a life worth smiling about! 

Thursday, August 13, 2009


After posting 31 blog entries, I've dabbled around and uncovered some fabulous blogs that have kept me up at night memorizing and often propelled me to jot down my own words after feeling inspired. The writers, photographers, artists, poets and strangers around the world whom have told sweet nothings in my ears, drawn sparkles in my eyes and placed an upbeat rhythm in my heart are at the center of my blog's theme; A world, a destination bearing miscellaneous stories, rants, raves, heartbreaks, warm wishes, updates, improvements and a few shits & giggles.

My mind reminds me of a shark's hunger. A shark hungry for something sweet dipped in salt. Both worlds combined into one bite. Sometimes fear, sometimes a specific craving, but primarily, something for the unknown. This is where each site I have come across fuels my love for writing. That feeling of inspiration. This post is dedicated to each moment, each author and each morning where inspiration is drawn and love is born.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Buying time like the Energizer Bunny.

Thank you Wired for this image. I love him!

Honestly...Do I have to say this again. Yup. Sorry, sorry, and another sincere...sorry. I know what takes hold of my thoughts, runs wild with my words, and basically devours my life...cough cough, time. Mmmm hmm. The sure simplicity of that whole index finger in your face, "I don't have enough time, nor will I ever have enough time, can I buy some more time" sort of excuse. But in all honestly, I would buy time if I could. Perhaps I would be scrambling for pennies, but this would then only leave me with more time to scramble.

Okay, so now onto the biz, aka the "Life of B." For starters, it's fantastic. I want to eat up and never let it go. I want to bask in this moment and set aside every moment that is ahead. I want to press repeat and somehow tape down this button forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but I want to remember this experience, this lesson, and this feeling for as long as my mind will allow. I'm smiling, laughing, loving, playing, planning, decorating, singing, working, skipping, cooking, eee-ing, conversing, writing (maybe not on here), and that whole list again and again.

My life as I just mentioned has been one heck of a ride worth waiting in line for. This past week/weekend was filled with finding out my roommate's brothers band is amazing, venturing downtown, volunteering with Colorado AIDS Project, finally meeting the owner of a coffee shop I now coin myself as a "regular," discovering a hidden Mediterranean gem located only a few blocks from my house (delectable chicken kebabs), joining a monthly boot camp class, rearranging my room yet again, finished my monthly book club book and soaking up a few rays.

I feel bad because the last few posts I've decided to write about/discuss have been nothing but me tooting my own horn to well..well...well basically my own grin. I guess I shouldn't apologize when life is looking up and I have no room for complaints.

Oooo before I get ahead of myself, one complaint, is the fact that I've stepped back on the lactose intolerant train. Great, I know. Finally, I come across the best ice cream shop in town, and my stomach decides to tie itself in a knot right as a drop of dairy says "hello."
While I am on the complaining note, as I was walking to work last week, a friendly neighbor approached me, started pulling out smooth moves from his pocket and suggested we get lunch sometime. Being a newbie to the city, I have a hard time turning down offers (especially when food is involved), so I took him up on his request, and needless to say, I am now wearing my defense guard. Ugh, I just vomited thinking about our conversation, or thereof. Whatever topic he discussed made me want to hurl. I might be taking this nausious expression overboard, but who honestly puts themselves on a pedestal? You gotta work your way up the ladder, especially when trying to impress. Barf bag por favor!

Okay, so as my roller coaster continues to rise, more lovely happenings are in store. My pops just came to visit me/bring me my furniture and we had one of the best conversations in history. Majority of our conversations could become best-sellers, but our last one takes the gold. My mum is on her way here shortly, and I am having a grand time planning our weekend together. My roommates and I have decided one of the best ways to keep up to speed with the weekly gossip is through food. We will now be taking turns hosting a Sunday dinner! I really put Miss Stewart, aka Martha, to shame revamping my room over the past month (pictures on their way shortly). I might be headed to the beach in September (possibly returning head over heels). I've found a nearby market overflowing with a variety of hummus dips, berries, veggies and flowers, which will only aid in my upcoming cookbook. And last but not least, I am taking on a new project. A project that involves thinking outside-the-box and doodling.
Okay, time has really overpowered this post, and I now must return to the day.