Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some words linger longer than others.

Warning, I have a gazillion thoughts running through my mind (who doesn't, right?), but this post may lack help from my sidekick, Editing Ellen, so please bare with me. Thank you.

I have always been curious when that "one day" would hit. What is that "one day?" Tis the day when you have reached an age, a moment, a conversation, or simply a feeling of "wow, I really am growing older!" Not that I'm approaching the end of my days, or at least I hope not, but I have reached that point where certain solicitors in life are starting to knock at my door. This post was inspired by such a thought, which was inspired by such a compliment ...

I have a friend who recently got engaged (this is the first friend who will break out of the bunch, adjust into her new last name, and begin slipping in "Oh married life is blah blah blah" comments). I have a friend who has endured something I can't even imagine or understand, the death of a parent. I have a friend who has already set up a savings account dedicated toward adoption. I have a friend, who after 5 years of not seeing each other, still sends me text messages saying "Hello" and "I can't wait to meet up whenever we do meet up again." I have a multiple friends/regulars at work who brighten up my low key nights by simply stopping in. I have a new friend showing off his skills and randomly making me smile. I have parents who continue to answer my phone calls, buy me food, take care of my laundry, wish me a wonderful day ahead, and tell me they love me before I catch my zzz's. I have a friend who has also lost someone very close and feeling confused at life in general :( I have two off-the-wall dogs who make me smile no matter how many times they dirty-up my clean clothes, slobber on my computer, or lick the lotion off my face (ugh).

Okay, shout-outs out of the way, I have a friend who gave me one of the most heartfelt, jaw-dropping, cheek-to-cheek smile compliments. I have a friend who no matter where I'm at, what I'm doing (not doing), what I say (don't say), what I throw her way (what I avoid), and most of all, what I simply do by just being me, that is ALWAYS there. Sure times have been rough between us, but who cares, certainly not I and I'm assuming certainly not her. I have a friend who set aside a few minutes of her busy day, read "Life Deserves Laughter", and was kind enough to let me know she enjoyed what she found.

Wow...My heart just melted thinking about it again.

I just wanted to say, Thank You! Many thoughts trigger my mind, which trigger my fingers to type...but the compliment with which you left me the other night will forever make me smile. As my title suggests, "Some words linger longer than others," your words did and continue to do just that!

So going back to that "one day" thought I mentioned earlier, her compliment fell on my "one day" and this compliment only added to umph to my "one day." We're obviously growing older every day, and we're obviously gaining more experiences during this process, but to know that someone gave me a thumbs-up for something I have enjoyed doing just added the icing to my cake. The rest of my life will be filled with "one days," but in the meantime, I'm going to revel in this "one" comment I received! Muchas gracias mi amiga!

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