Sunday, June 28, 2009

As a good friend of mine said, "It's not goodbye, it's just bye!"

Bob, Thank you for this quote!

I began this journey of moving, and moving far, long before I even knew I had the courage to do so. The day before I hit the big 1-8, I decided to jot down a list of 30 things I wanted to accomplish before 30. Looking back on that list, I can't help but laugh at some of the odd thoughts running through my mind at the time, and what I felt was necessary to be checked-off. O well, you learn as you live, and you live as you learn, right? Okay, so one of the "things" on my list was to travel around the world, realizing life isn't worth settling down for, and to keep my head held high for the next adventure. I'll admit, my head has been held high, I have traveled, and I know there is nothing in this world worth settling for (we're given one shot, we better do all that we can while risking all that we have)!

So in terms my upcoming move and my 18-year-old inspired list, I knew I wanted to experience all that I could, but I still had one question filtering through my mind, "Where to now?"

Here I am, five years later answering that question. After much debate, and what I should describe as research, I've selected a city much different than what I initially wanted to call "home." Dreaming about a land far away, where the skyscrapers can not be counted and the slang is worth two cents (actually, garbage), I was set on the Big Apple. Insert Laughter. Yup, I am still set on the Big Apple, and most likely will die being set on the Big Apple, but at some point, and a period longer than 3 weeks, I will live with 8 other roommates, bicker about the tourists, and wonder what the hell I am doing. But during that period, I will have lived in a land that sparkles in my mind. Until I arrive in NY, I decided to lessen the distance from home, and find a city similar to my current one, but keywords, "find a city."

After counting down, separating clothes into piles of "keep, keep for later, and don't even bother," and bundling up my life into my car, I traced back to my eighteen-year-old self and was ready to press "go."

My mind already checked out of Boise, my feet are prepared for a few hurdles, and my curiosity is asking, “Am I there yet?” Not just yet, but before we both know it, I will be unpacking my life.

I am leaving a place that has replaced my “home.” I was born in the heart of Utah, and ever since my mom received a job offer in Idaho, I have been fortunate enough to replace my Utah roots with an Idaho admiration.

This time around, I’m leaving behind a place I will never bash when brought up in conversation, or dread when visiting. But that is why this time around is out-of-the-norm; Typically people glue their toes to a place they would not dare criticize, but I guess this goes to prove, I’m not anything near, close or border-line typical. I’m consistently signing myself up for a new challenge, fear, interview, conversation, and above all, something in hopes of overcoming and discovering the unknown. I appreciate the feeling of comfort, but I relish in the thought of shaking in my knees (odd I know).

Well the end of one chapter is but a few minutes away, and the intro to another is around the corner. My knees are still firm, but prepared to quiver. My mind is still uncertain, but ready for a wide-awakening. My eyes are still attentive, and I am betting they will remain focused.

To everyone whom I have met during the course of my 14-year chapter, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have given me the desire to grow, learn, and move forward. And as one of my favorite friends I met along the way boldly mentioned as I said goodbye, "No Brittanie, it's not goodbye, it's just bye!"

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