Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A day like yesterday deserves light.

Let me just begin by saying I didn't write this post yesterday for the simple fact that I would be cursing every other word, and therefore making it a little difficult for you to understand what drizzled on my day.

I suppose you could say I was having a case of the Mondays, but yesterday was one for the record books. I woke up before the sun, planned on working up a sweat at the el gymnasio, but this mighty attempt failed. I went back to bed and by going back to bed, I slipped into a coma making the rest of the morning just a little off edge. Well trying to squeeze myself back into my morning routine, I rushed for the shower, noticed the water level was rising (and there wasn't enough hair in the drain to cause such a flood), so I disregarded the scenario at hand, finished my wash, clung to my towel and quickly released some fluid from my bladder (this part is necessary). So here I am, half-asleep, just flushed the toilet and beginning to find the toilet water now is now on the rise. 

What in the world is going on? Ahhh sh*t, "Brittanie think, think, doooooo something. The toilet water plus the Nile is pouring from every crevice of the toilet!"

Yup. Barf. Puke. Sick. That's right, the shower water warned me something ain't right, but my bladder needed an outlet, and I learned another lesson the hard way. So here I am, struggling to find enough towels to clean up this mess, plus dry my tears (somewhat true). I'm causing enough noise trying to be quiet, but now with a limited supply of towels on hand, I'm prowling the house for something, anything, to absorb this disaster...sorry sleeping beauty roomies.

I'm back on board attempting to make up for lost time, but of course this next step also didn't go as planned. While approaching my light rail station parking lot, I realize school has started, therefore more people are opting for alternative transportation and every parking space is occupied. Mmmm Hmmm. I missed my gym date, my clean toes were swimming in toilet water, and now I can't find a place to park. Great. Just great. 

I race my car across the street to a quiet neighborhood, slam my door shut and run my high-heeled-bound legs to the station, sweating as I board the train. With this chaotic morning now out of the way, the only thought I had racing around my mind the rest of my day was, "I can't wait to find out my car has been towed away to who knows where?"

This is where my day changes. The clock strikes 5, I rush to my train, and cross my fingers and toes the entire trip home only hoping and praying my car is still decorating someone's front yard. What do you know...she (as in my car) was there! :)

As my roller coaster cruised downhill after my 4 am alarm clock buzzed, my parked car turned yesterday's sinking ship and pity party around. "What happened next? I drove home to a house with two caring roommates and a backyard patio adorned with string lights. Nothing can make a girl happier than that! So what is to be taken from such a morning...A life surrounded by friends and light is a life worth smiling about! 

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