Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mantra for the morning.

Yesterday while chit-chatting with the gals at work, we started talking about how we get through the day, and usually what makes some days more of a struggle than others. Well, it all came down to the thoughts we toss back and forth between each hour. Some thoughts pertain to life after work, conversations from the night before, sticky situations, and a lot of (ha I would say 95.5% of my thoughts are based upon food, mmm).

The energy put forth into making our days ones worth smiling about, or ones worth wishing would end, has a lot to do with the words we wake up saying. The ladies and I decided from here on out, we will stress the importance of saying a positive affirmation/mantra in the am. One saying that has become a favorite is, "The worst part is over."

Okay, so driving for the first time to work (miss the light rail commute, but picking my mom up at the airport after work is well worth the morning frenzy), I was bumper to bumper and felt my blood pressure rising. No bueno. What did I do to solve this rage on the rise? Thought about my morning mantra. Yup yup yup. And boy did it work wonders, well that and I played one of my favorite songs.

Today's thought, "Be positive!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A day like yesterday deserves light.

Let me just begin by saying I didn't write this post yesterday for the simple fact that I would be cursing every other word, and therefore making it a little difficult for you to understand what drizzled on my day.

I suppose you could say I was having a case of the Mondays, but yesterday was one for the record books. I woke up before the sun, planned on working up a sweat at the el gymnasio, but this mighty attempt failed. I went back to bed and by going back to bed, I slipped into a coma making the rest of the morning just a little off edge. Well trying to squeeze myself back into my morning routine, I rushed for the shower, noticed the water level was rising (and there wasn't enough hair in the drain to cause such a flood), so I disregarded the scenario at hand, finished my wash, clung to my towel and quickly released some fluid from my bladder (this part is necessary). So here I am, half-asleep, just flushed the toilet and beginning to find the toilet water now is now on the rise. 

What in the world is going on? Ahhh sh*t, "Brittanie think, think, doooooo something. The toilet water plus the Nile is pouring from every crevice of the toilet!"

Yup. Barf. Puke. Sick. That's right, the shower water warned me something ain't right, but my bladder needed an outlet, and I learned another lesson the hard way. So here I am, struggling to find enough towels to clean up this mess, plus dry my tears (somewhat true). I'm causing enough noise trying to be quiet, but now with a limited supply of towels on hand, I'm prowling the house for something, anything, to absorb this disaster...sorry sleeping beauty roomies.

I'm back on board attempting to make up for lost time, but of course this next step also didn't go as planned. While approaching my light rail station parking lot, I realize school has started, therefore more people are opting for alternative transportation and every parking space is occupied. Mmmm Hmmm. I missed my gym date, my clean toes were swimming in toilet water, and now I can't find a place to park. Great. Just great. 

I race my car across the street to a quiet neighborhood, slam my door shut and run my high-heeled-bound legs to the station, sweating as I board the train. With this chaotic morning now out of the way, the only thought I had racing around my mind the rest of my day was, "I can't wait to find out my car has been towed away to who knows where?"

This is where my day changes. The clock strikes 5, I rush to my train, and cross my fingers and toes the entire trip home only hoping and praying my car is still decorating someone's front yard. What do you know...she (as in my car) was there! :)

As my roller coaster cruised downhill after my 4 am alarm clock buzzed, my parked car turned yesterday's sinking ship and pity party around. "What happened next? I drove home to a house with two caring roommates and a backyard patio adorned with string lights. Nothing can make a girl happier than that! So what is to be taken from such a morning...A life surrounded by friends and light is a life worth smiling about! 

Thursday, August 13, 2009


After posting 31 blog entries, I've dabbled around and uncovered some fabulous blogs that have kept me up at night memorizing and often propelled me to jot down my own words after feeling inspired. The writers, photographers, artists, poets and strangers around the world whom have told sweet nothings in my ears, drawn sparkles in my eyes and placed an upbeat rhythm in my heart are at the center of my blog's theme; A world, a destination bearing miscellaneous stories, rants, raves, heartbreaks, warm wishes, updates, improvements and a few shits & giggles.

My mind reminds me of a shark's hunger. A shark hungry for something sweet dipped in salt. Both worlds combined into one bite. Sometimes fear, sometimes a specific craving, but primarily, something for the unknown. This is where each site I have come across fuels my love for writing. That feeling of inspiration. This post is dedicated to each moment, each author and each morning where inspiration is drawn and love is born.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Buying time like the Energizer Bunny.

Thank you Wired for this image. I love him!

Honestly...Do I have to say this again. Yup. Sorry, sorry, and another sincere...sorry. I know what takes hold of my thoughts, runs wild with my words, and basically devours my life...cough cough, time. Mmmm hmm. The sure simplicity of that whole index finger in your face, "I don't have enough time, nor will I ever have enough time, can I buy some more time" sort of excuse. But in all honestly, I would buy time if I could. Perhaps I would be scrambling for pennies, but this would then only leave me with more time to scramble.

Okay, so now onto the biz, aka the "Life of B." For starters, it's fantastic. I want to eat up and never let it go. I want to bask in this moment and set aside every moment that is ahead. I want to press repeat and somehow tape down this button forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but I want to remember this experience, this lesson, and this feeling for as long as my mind will allow. I'm smiling, laughing, loving, playing, planning, decorating, singing, working, skipping, cooking, eee-ing, conversing, writing (maybe not on here), and that whole list again and again.

My life as I just mentioned has been one heck of a ride worth waiting in line for. This past week/weekend was filled with finding out my roommate's brothers band is amazing, venturing downtown, volunteering with Colorado AIDS Project, finally meeting the owner of a coffee shop I now coin myself as a "regular," discovering a hidden Mediterranean gem located only a few blocks from my house (delectable chicken kebabs), joining a monthly boot camp class, rearranging my room yet again, finished my monthly book club book and soaking up a few rays.

I feel bad because the last few posts I've decided to write about/discuss have been nothing but me tooting my own horn to well..well...well basically my own grin. I guess I shouldn't apologize when life is looking up and I have no room for complaints.

Oooo before I get ahead of myself, one complaint, is the fact that I've stepped back on the lactose intolerant train. Great, I know. Finally, I come across the best ice cream shop in town, and my stomach decides to tie itself in a knot right as a drop of dairy says "hello."
While I am on the complaining note, as I was walking to work last week, a friendly neighbor approached me, started pulling out smooth moves from his pocket and suggested we get lunch sometime. Being a newbie to the city, I have a hard time turning down offers (especially when food is involved), so I took him up on his request, and needless to say, I am now wearing my defense guard. Ugh, I just vomited thinking about our conversation, or thereof. Whatever topic he discussed made me want to hurl. I might be taking this nausious expression overboard, but who honestly puts themselves on a pedestal? You gotta work your way up the ladder, especially when trying to impress. Barf bag por favor!

Okay, so as my roller coaster continues to rise, more lovely happenings are in store. My pops just came to visit me/bring me my furniture and we had one of the best conversations in history. Majority of our conversations could become best-sellers, but our last one takes the gold. My mum is on her way here shortly, and I am having a grand time planning our weekend together. My roommates and I have decided one of the best ways to keep up to speed with the weekly gossip is through food. We will now be taking turns hosting a Sunday dinner! I really put Miss Stewart, aka Martha, to shame revamping my room over the past month (pictures on their way shortly). I might be headed to the beach in September (possibly returning head over heels). I've found a nearby market overflowing with a variety of hummus dips, berries, veggies and flowers, which will only aid in my upcoming cookbook. And last but not least, I am taking on a new project. A project that involves thinking outside-the-box and doodling.
Okay, time has really overpowered this post, and I now must return to the day.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sianara Hump. Hello Favorite Day!

Mmmmm Hmmm! Today is my favorite day. Yesterday is but a moment of the past (a much needed a day to pass). I am excited for tonight, this weekend, and of course, September!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sure enough, today feels like a hump.

After going to sleep on a sour note (a note I promised myself I would not allow finally won). The only way I could make up for it was to wake up on the right side of the bed. Trust me, I made sure I wasn't opening my eyes and cursing my alarm until I knew it was going to be a better day.

Wipe the sweat off your forehead because sure enough, today has been a much better day. Even though I feel as if I could crash any minute (thank you "Wake-Up" coffee), and I'm sporting a grandma slip under my dress (the sun won't be shining on my bottom today) the way I way I would rather tan my rear than wear a slip, but it's only office appropriate, and last but not least, I am counting down the minutes until my favorite day arrives.

One thing in life that will never let me down, yet will always slap me in the face, is understanding how I rarely have room to complain when other's around me are shattered on the inside. Literally, life is not fair for so many and the rant(s) I preach are minuscule. Today, it was brought to my attention how one of my best friends is going through a rough patch. Just talking to her and realizing the night/conversation she has ahead of her, makes me take a step back and count my blessings.

Not willing to divulge too much info, I'll say the gist of her "rough patch" entails a lack of trust, communication, and concern by the party I will say is at fault. Another good friend of mine once told me something that I will never forget, "In order to appreciate the good, we have to experience the bad." Right now, I have taken a step down from Cloud 9 (no worries, I am climbing back up) and working through my own sticky situation.

What a depressing bueno.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When you have a world of listening ears, sometimes I prefer to write away my moods.

If the subject doesn't shout, "Listen to me, I'm not in the best of moods," well I guess, I'm not sure what will.  The whole Cloud 9 I have been soaking up is quickly turning into raindrops.  I thought I wanted to elaborate and spill the beans here, but right now...I think I might just turn to my trusty ol' journal.  

Besides my Debbie Downer intro, work is amazing, my roommates have no clue how much I appreciate and care for them, I have an eventful and educational Thursday ahead of me, and I am so glad I held my swift spirit patient until the time was right (aka now).


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Excuse me, I have an excuse.

One notch in time I wish I was around to experience was the 1969 Apollo II mission to the moon. Happy 40th Anniversary to those who believed in the unknown and sent a crew of dreamers into the sky and far beyond!

Onto further matters...

Here I go again apologizing for being absent. I guess the only person I should say "I'm sorry" to is me. Apparently, I feel I owe myself a blog entry everyday, but when I take unscheduled days of absences, my next step is to apologize. Okay so enough of that, my real excuse for not writing and keeping my updates up-to-date is because I am simply filling up my days, aka enjoying life. "Amen Sister!"

Yup, life outside of my comfort zone has now progressed into a new comfort zone. And bueno news, a new "zone" I am clicking my own heels to. So here is my latest recap; 1) I have a J-O-B, 2) I have been in "home" for two weeks, 3) I realized why natives blatantly smack a big-ol "NATIVE" sticker on their car, backpack, dog, you name it, because Colorado might just be the perfect place, 4) while Starbucks might dominate Seattle, Chipotle owns this city (I can't count the number of times I have heard "What? You have NEVER tried Chipotle?" 5) I walked into the life of dining solo (and let me say, I really enjoyed it), 6) I have found more non-profits that I can't wait to meet and lend a helping hand here than I knew existed, 7) I finally met up with two friends whom I met through the infamous craigslist (sounds sketchy, they aren't), 8) I have proven that I can accomplish an HGTV task (goodbye Space Room, hello Pottery Barn), 9) I'm not homesick...just fall under the miss my mom and friends category, and last but not least, 10) I have no room for complaints. I am by far the luckiest girl right now to have been given this opportunity. I now have two fabulous friends/housemates, a dedicated/outgoing/creative/thoughtful place of employment, a new sense of direction in my life, a larger slice of optimism hanging at my side, and the appreciation that if you want a new challenge, you are the only one who can take the leap!

So if you're sitting around bored, thinking "What's next?" give yourself a list things to do and you'll find the same motivation that urged me to move forward. If not, I'm sorry.

Go ahead, highlight craigslist, browse around HGTV (I sound like Martha), and taste a little local delight!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One-Hundred Percent Cheek-to-Cheek Smile

You know that moving-away roller-coaster I was riding? It hasn't come to a screeching halt, but it has slowed down...that is a good thing. I can officially say, I made the right decision taking off to Denver without knowing a single soul, without having a job lined up, and without doubting any of it would pan out. After an alarming transmission light signaled my frustration, I retraced my steps back to Boise asking, "Why now?"

"Why?" Because as I like to say (purely beneficial to my optimism), "That is life!" Life throws you red lights, transmission letdowns, road trips unaccompanied by AC, and one blasting cd player solely dedicated to raising your pipes. So with my first hurdle knocked down, I was ready to continue driving. I drove to Utah to pick up my pops and my bedroom set (this story comes later), anxiously awaiting until the morning when we both would rise early, fasten our seat belts, and say "Denver, here we come!"

Without knowing a soul and without having a job, I also didn't have a confirmed place to live. No worries, I came across this site, and found hope! So arriving late Sunday night, I received directions to a potential place to call home, and realized there was no need to look any further, meet anyone else, or even bother with property management (wannabe car salesman) sleezies. So my pops and I wandered around the city trying to establish/test our geography skills, found a hotel and called it night.

Let's just say Monday was a blur..from getting lost, find a potential place of employment, grabbing a bite to eat, and understanding my hours with "my family" were dwindling, I went into shock...Mmmm the adventurous, get out of my sight, let me be, kinda girl was in shock (to the point where tears began rolling, shhh). I guess it hit me as I was driving to the airport that this was it, the moment had arrived, and here I was uncertain about it all.

Well that feeling didn't last too long, after my dad looked in me the eye and said, "Sweets, here you are. This is your home. Have fun, make mistakes, but most of all, enjoy every minute!" So what did I do, I wiped my tears, cleared my throat, and replied, "You are damn right!"

So here it is, almost a week and it feels like life is still placed on hold, but different than the normal time-out type of hold. I feel like I'm holding off on a potential employer, frequenting the same park, and not sure where to meet people.

I've always thought I had an easy time talking/meeting people, but I never realized being out of your element, you have to work at finding these meeting spots. I'm not looking for a bar or meet and greet type situation, but just a generic, "Hey you seem fun, what are you doing tomorrow?"

If you have any suggestions, please feel free to post them. I'm nothing but ears!

oOOo Random, while venturing the city, I slipped on a trusty ol' pair of flip-flops mixed with a 90+ degree temp. and received these bad boys...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

As a good friend of mine said, "It's not goodbye, it's just bye!"

Bob, Thank you for this quote!

I began this journey of moving, and moving far, long before I even knew I had the courage to do so. The day before I hit the big 1-8, I decided to jot down a list of 30 things I wanted to accomplish before 30. Looking back on that list, I can't help but laugh at some of the odd thoughts running through my mind at the time, and what I felt was necessary to be checked-off. O well, you learn as you live, and you live as you learn, right? Okay, so one of the "things" on my list was to travel around the world, realizing life isn't worth settling down for, and to keep my head held high for the next adventure. I'll admit, my head has been held high, I have traveled, and I know there is nothing in this world worth settling for (we're given one shot, we better do all that we can while risking all that we have)!

So in terms my upcoming move and my 18-year-old inspired list, I knew I wanted to experience all that I could, but I still had one question filtering through my mind, "Where to now?"

Here I am, five years later answering that question. After much debate, and what I should describe as research, I've selected a city much different than what I initially wanted to call "home." Dreaming about a land far away, where the skyscrapers can not be counted and the slang is worth two cents (actually, garbage), I was set on the Big Apple. Insert Laughter. Yup, I am still set on the Big Apple, and most likely will die being set on the Big Apple, but at some point, and a period longer than 3 weeks, I will live with 8 other roommates, bicker about the tourists, and wonder what the hell I am doing. But during that period, I will have lived in a land that sparkles in my mind. Until I arrive in NY, I decided to lessen the distance from home, and find a city similar to my current one, but keywords, "find a city."

After counting down, separating clothes into piles of "keep, keep for later, and don't even bother," and bundling up my life into my car, I traced back to my eighteen-year-old self and was ready to press "go."

My mind already checked out of Boise, my feet are prepared for a few hurdles, and my curiosity is asking, “Am I there yet?” Not just yet, but before we both know it, I will be unpacking my life.

I am leaving a place that has replaced my “home.” I was born in the heart of Utah, and ever since my mom received a job offer in Idaho, I have been fortunate enough to replace my Utah roots with an Idaho admiration.

This time around, I’m leaving behind a place I will never bash when brought up in conversation, or dread when visiting. But that is why this time around is out-of-the-norm; Typically people glue their toes to a place they would not dare criticize, but I guess this goes to prove, I’m not anything near, close or border-line typical. I’m consistently signing myself up for a new challenge, fear, interview, conversation, and above all, something in hopes of overcoming and discovering the unknown. I appreciate the feeling of comfort, but I relish in the thought of shaking in my knees (odd I know).

Well the end of one chapter is but a few minutes away, and the intro to another is around the corner. My knees are still firm, but prepared to quiver. My mind is still uncertain, but ready for a wide-awakening. My eyes are still attentive, and I am betting they will remain focused.

To everyone whom I have met during the course of my 14-year chapter, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have given me the desire to grow, learn, and move forward. And as one of my favorite friends I met along the way boldly mentioned as I said goodbye, "No Brittanie, it's not goodbye, it's just bye!"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Sincere Apology

Hold up, you mean to tell me that last time I posted a bloggy-blog was on May 26th? No sir-ee. Well the Blogspot doesn't tell lies, so here I am apologizing. From the bottom of my writer's heart, I am sorry it has taken me now a month to update you on my life, my reads, my rants, my wants, my likes, my this and thats, and most of all, my life in between then and now.

Mmmmmm K, because it's almost my bedtime and my eyes are quickly reaching for some shut-eye, I'm going to leave you with a quick recap. I am moving, I am packing, I am realizing a new challenge is quickly approaching, I will soon be jet-setting to Armenia, I am trying to decide between another living situation with a roommate, or tackle a studio like a big-girl, I am applying, I am laughing more than ever, I am excited to make new friends, I am sad to say goodbye, I am signing up for a new rollercoaster that will be a lesson and experience of a lifetime.

So, I am still here. I am still learning as much as I can. And, above all, I am still planning each day to be busier than the next because my feet can't stand still and my heart won't stop pondering what's around the corner.

Good Night, Sleep Tight. I promise I won't disappear for another month...or at least I don't plan on it. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pages Galore.

Mmmm K, so I often go through spurts of making, having, and simply wishing I had more time. Yup, sounds like another excuse, but it's not, I promise. It's just the life we all live, the reality of wanting more, and the willingness to set aside our other "to do's" and enjoying the comfort of bound pages in between our hands.

Last night, I finished one of the most beautiful books I have come across in a long time. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalded Hosseini describes the life, dreams, and tears for two young Afghan women brought together through marriage. Hosseini's style of writing is unlike any other, he includes the most vivid descriptions, personal accounts, and insight into what Mariam and Laila endured during a civil war, numerous deaths, the physical and mental abuse from their husband, the role of being a mother, the role of missing their mothers, and the strength to carry on.

After finishing a book like A Thousand Splendid Suns, I'm usually craving a story with less emotion. I stumbled upon the perfect aisle at Barnes & Noble today..."Diets." Less emotion, not exactly. Food has always triggered my moods/senses. I wake up and smile thinking about oatmeal. Mid-afternoon, my mouth waters for a tuna sandwich. 3:00 pm, sign me up for a snack-pack. Get the gist... Okay, so back to this aisle. I came across Naturally Thin, by Bethenny Frankel, whom is widely known for her role on Bravo's The Real Housewives of New York City, her own BethennyBakes line of baked goods, and her monthly column for Health magazine. I spotted Bethenny's figure, the book's pink glistening title, and of course the enticing description, "Unleash Your Skinnygirl and Free Yourself from a Lifetime of Dieting." Where can I sign up?

While I started this post to discuss the fact that I have fourteen books on my floor waiting to be consumed, I am now setting aside their heartbreaks and triumphs for an easy-breezy read focused on not focusing on dieting. Updates will be posted shortly, assuming I stray far from the pantry.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day.

Short, simple, and probably not too sweet. I often don't come across as being a full-blown patriotic American, but on a day like today, I think it's hard not to be. Being a citizen of a country recognized for rebellion, security, and freedom, I continuously take each day and my rights for granted. Right now, whether your home or abroad, in favor or against, and thankful or careless of everything the U.S. has accomplished, neglected, given and received, please realize how fortunate you are to wake up in a country where you can voice your opinion, you can cast your vote, you can dream, you have the power to stand against those who act as if they have more, you are able to b*tch about a nation that will listen, and above all, you are envied my millions around the world who can't speak, vote, change their social status, turn their back against their country, and only dream of being an American.

I want to thank each and every soldier who has fought for my freedom, my country, and my daily neglect of a world with which I am so fortunate to know.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's About Time!

Reduce, reuse, and recycle...mmm hmmmm! Alright, so unlike like my other posts where I'm updating you on my life, interests, complaints, adventures, etc., this post is dedicated to a project that deserves a round of applause (even if it's a few years behind schedule).

"Curb It!" is an around-the-corner project implementing a new approach to recycling here in the City of Trees. This project will sweep away the 2-foot bins currently distributed amongst city residents, and appear in a larger, brighter, and less of a hassle container... A standard-sized recyclable blue bin anxiously awaiting all your cardboard, plastic, and banana peels will be delivered starting June 22, and will operate on an every other week pick-up routine.

Okay, so now that you're just as excited as I am, here is the website to gain further information > I Love Recycling.

Just remember, they won't pick up your Christmas tree and if you are really pumped to take charge of improving our environment's happiness, check out the composting section here > Recycle in your own backyard!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Recap on the recent rendezvous.

Wow. Not only did I skip a few days, I ran away for a month. Not really, actually not even close, but I did run away. I didn't run away permanently or to leave an ill feeling in someone's stomach, but I packed my suitcase (one much larger than necessary), opted for a road trip with mi amiga, and set sail for the coast! I don't like the feeling of comfort, especially when I know I'm at the prime age of exploring without any baggage (ex. chiclets, a mortgage, an 8-5 job, etc.), so this itch to move around freely usually appears when things begin to calm down. My daily routine started feeling like a steady stream, and instead of riding the wake out smoothly, mi amiga and I drove north to Seaside, Oregon!

In just a few short words, here is what the trip included; A slumber in a parking lot, a grueling hike, an appreciation for public restrooms, an almost roadkill incident, a conversation with a former San Quentin inmate, a not enough time or money spent on books at Powell's, a quick downtown fix, a solution to our hungry bellies at local restaurants, a conversation with my brother in 30 years, an addition to my seashell collection, a 16-hour sing-a-long fest, a desire to be Lewis and Clark, and above all, another "remember that one time..." memory!

Thank you Oregon for spicing up my routine :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Cheer Up Sleepy Jean"

That is correct! Pick up your pom poms, adjust your mini-skirt, lace up your bright whites, pull back your pony, and cheer for change. This ain't no campaign parade, but instead a Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Change in something that I have been patiently awaiting. A change in this whole job hunt. Don't piddle in your pants too quickly, but walk to the bathroom, set down your newspaper and listen up. I have received a response to one of my 365,928,490,482 submitted job applications. Okay, so the number isn't that high, but you never know what can happen in an economy like our current one, correct? Ding Ding, this is why I'm singing, cheering, screaming, dancing, handstand-ing, smiling, and most of all, thanking the real definition of persistence. To wait won't work, but to be persistent, aggressive, interested, and 110% passionate about something may just lead you to an opportunity ever so-sweet.

Not sure what will happen, but just to know I've spotted the light, challenged myself, and gained a life lesson is definitely more than I could have asked for.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I Raced for the Cure, I brewed a few beans/made a few tips, soaked up the sun with my adopted grandfather, missed a very important event I planned on attending (ugh), I caught up with an old friend, and now I'm planning an adventure for the night. Thursdays are still my favorite, but you can always count on a fabulous Saturday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some words linger longer than others.

Warning, I have a gazillion thoughts running through my mind (who doesn't, right?), but this post may lack help from my sidekick, Editing Ellen, so please bare with me. Thank you.

I have always been curious when that "one day" would hit. What is that "one day?" Tis the day when you have reached an age, a moment, a conversation, or simply a feeling of "wow, I really am growing older!" Not that I'm approaching the end of my days, or at least I hope not, but I have reached that point where certain solicitors in life are starting to knock at my door. This post was inspired by such a thought, which was inspired by such a compliment ...

I have a friend who recently got engaged (this is the first friend who will break out of the bunch, adjust into her new last name, and begin slipping in "Oh married life is blah blah blah" comments). I have a friend who has endured something I can't even imagine or understand, the death of a parent. I have a friend who has already set up a savings account dedicated toward adoption. I have a friend, who after 5 years of not seeing each other, still sends me text messages saying "Hello" and "I can't wait to meet up whenever we do meet up again." I have a multiple friends/regulars at work who brighten up my low key nights by simply stopping in. I have a new friend showing off his skills and randomly making me smile. I have parents who continue to answer my phone calls, buy me food, take care of my laundry, wish me a wonderful day ahead, and tell me they love me before I catch my zzz's. I have a friend who has also lost someone very close and feeling confused at life in general :( I have two off-the-wall dogs who make me smile no matter how many times they dirty-up my clean clothes, slobber on my computer, or lick the lotion off my face (ugh).

Okay, shout-outs out of the way, I have a friend who gave me one of the most heartfelt, jaw-dropping, cheek-to-cheek smile compliments. I have a friend who no matter where I'm at, what I'm doing (not doing), what I say (don't say), what I throw her way (what I avoid), and most of all, what I simply do by just being me, that is ALWAYS there. Sure times have been rough between us, but who cares, certainly not I and I'm assuming certainly not her. I have a friend who set aside a few minutes of her busy day, read "Life Deserves Laughter", and was kind enough to let me know she enjoyed what she found.

Wow...My heart just melted thinking about it again.

I just wanted to say, Thank You! Many thoughts trigger my mind, which trigger my fingers to type...but the compliment with which you left me the other night will forever make me smile. As my title suggests, "Some words linger longer than others," your words did and continue to do just that!

So going back to that "one day" thought I mentioned earlier, her compliment fell on my "one day" and this compliment only added to umph to my "one day." We're obviously growing older every day, and we're obviously gaining more experiences during this process, but to know that someone gave me a thumbs-up for something I have enjoyed doing just added the icing to my cake. The rest of my life will be filled with "one days," but in the meantime, I'm going to revel in this "one" comment I received! Muchas gracias mi amiga!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

So much to say when you skip a few days.

I'm not sure if I have created a life to define "busy," but I know I have created a life where I enjoy the lack of anticipation knowing I rarely have a moment to spare without feeling like I have to cross off another task. (I ran out of breath while typing that one, sorry)

Make sense? Who knows.  All I know, right now that sentence above is the feeling swirling throughout my veins. 

I tend to skip days of blogging, posting, and revising status updates not because life has taken over, but I have flipped on my own switch into acceleration mode, and have to locate my time-out button.  According to my blog's title, "So much to say when you skip a few days" there is a lot to say.  Not the juicy, chit-chat, I have a secret "so much to say," but the "I have a new view, a new want, a new plea, another new plea, a new sense of what lies ahead, and a new uncertainty of who knows what may fall in my path.  With all those wants and wishes, I have a lot going on.  

I'm still applying, working, volunteering, laughing, asking, commenting, listening, attempting to run, riding, driving, saving, painting my nails (sometimes biting my nails, ugh), reading, occasionally writing, wishing, sleeping, and everything else that sneaks its way in between. 

P.S. If you drive, ride, or scoot by I'm either listening to A Fine Frenzy, Serena Ryder, or Jack Johnson and Zach Gill <this>.  If I'm not commuting, I might be reading <this> or <that>, or I just might be browsing <here>. 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ask me about my favorite song...I might just have an answer.

Okay, so if you asked me right now, "What's your favorite song?" This would be my answer >

A Fine Frenzy has always topped my list, especially after the release of "Almost Lover" (Track #6), but I'll have to admit, I now have a favorite song...And it's a goooooood feeling! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

While on the phone earlier...

After a long day spent soaking up the sunshine, I finally was able to catch up with a friend and we started discussing my blog, blogs in general, and twitter (which we both aren't so sure about).  My friend asked, "So what's your next blog going to be about?" and of course I scurried onto the next subject, because without sounding boring, I had absolutely no clue.  

My friend's question, my lack of an answer, and one curious mind led me to my next thought, which happened to land me on this post, my blog.  What would those before us, and I'm not speaking about our grandmothers and grandfathers, because I'm positive my mom's mum is probably blogging right now, but let's go with our great-grandparents and even their great-grandparents.  What would these two groups of people have to say about this whole world of miscellaneous information sharing. Not that it's bad or always random (mine usually is), but sit back and think if you had never typed away on a keyboard, logged into a chat room at age 10 pretending you were 19, and did not have the option of creating a website dedicated to your thoughts, plans, rants, tweets, and well your blogs.  Are you thinking?

I wasn't able to hold that thought long enough to even think about a life unlike mine.  Too bad time machines weren't available.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When it rains, it pours.

My recent twitter status (speaking of twitter, I don't get it) read, "While the weather outside may appear gloomy, things are looking up on the inside."  Translation - Our current economy has shaken up many people's lives, daily routines, and outlook.  As the saying goes, "when it rains, it pours," and I believe majority of us are feeling some sense of truth in these words and the state of our finances, world affairs, and belief in stability.  

So back to my status, outside of our individual boxes our world is hurting, but inside we can only let so much of the debris affect our optimism.  I just found this picture from Vector Graphic ( and then spotted this quote and knew it was worth sharing > 
"Out of the daily chaos comes the dance of balance." - Denise Kester

Balance is the only thing that keeps our toes grounded, our mind focused, and our intentions secure.  I knew I found something more in Kester's quote than just an inspiring billboard, I found a sense of balance in my recent mood.  Applying for jobs right now is similar to playing the lottery.  The winnings are rare, but they are there.  So instead of focusing on my life without a "real" job, I'm focusing on balance.  

Balance for me right now includes patience, persistence, laughter, time with friends, conversations with my parents, riding my bike, and focusing on how important this time is and should remain.  As soon as you feel a raindrop hit your shoulder, don't worry about extending your umbrella, instead, hold your head high, carry yourself with force, and soak up a moment dedicated to uncovering your own balance. Our world will forever face matters of chaos, but it is up to you to eliminate the weight of your stress and struggles. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The sun in shining!

Productivity equals pretty big smile.  Might have found my next move, came across a place I would love to work, and did my taxes.  

Nothing beats the sun's rays, soon-to-be money in the bank, and the possibility of a new adventure.  Count me in. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

Survey Says...

Random fact about a random coffee shop (from which I luckily enough receive a paycheck), we offer a one-of-a-kind deal, exclusively for our customers.  

You ready for it....

Survey Fridays! Mmmm Hmmm.  Every Friday, my manager and I believe customer service not only is about delivering a divine cup of joe, but also accompanied by a warm glass of "lemme get to know you better!"  So we take our interests, jot them down on a recycled receipt, and provide a "this versus that" question.  

Past survey questions have included, The Cactus or The Neurolux (it's a bar thing)?, Peanut or Plain M&M's?, Adam's Family or The Munsters?, Bullrider or Bullfighter, and left or right leg first in your pants (assuming you have both)?  

So, the point of Survey Fridays, beyond wanting to get to know our customers a wee-bit better, is they actually enjoy taking a break more than they do Monday - Thursday.  But my request to you, sitting here answering our previous questions, is to help us out.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciate, and of course, I will submit their responses!  

Think away and thank you!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where did the week go?

Wait, it's Thursday again?  Lucky me! 

Apparently, I caught a wave faster than I expected to ride.  I suppose that's what happens in life. We grasp hold of something so great, and before you know it ... it ... it simply passes us by.  

So here is an update on what's been going and not going on over the past two weeks:
- Spring wants to be in the air
- One more resume and cover letter down
- Tablerock Tuesdays
- Ouch
- Some say, "You can't always pick your family, but you can pick your friends."  I'd like to disagree
- Thank you horoscope

Spring wants to be in the air... Yes, she is trying to squeeze my winter blues away.  Over these last 14 days, the sun has crept behind the dreary clouds, but that's the extent of the sun's power. I'm repeating the saying, "April showers bring May flowers," believing this will somehow solve the problem, but it hasn't.  I don't know if it's the fact that I only have one pair of wellies, a measly piece of fabric you could attempt to call a raincoat, and a dislike for wind, but right now, more than ever, I would love the summer sun.  Patience Brittanie, patience....

One more resume and cover letter down... Correction, twenty more resumes and cover letters down.  Cross your fingers it doesn't stay this way too long, but knock on wood, I wasn't planning on owning the title, "Lifelong Applicant."  With that rant out of the way, here comes my glass half-full spurt.  Persistence will pay off.  I am broadening my search, exploring different routes, and realizing life truly is one learning lesson after another.  

Tablerock Tuesdays... While I'll keep the fun title, Tablerock Tuesdays is actually Tablerock Mondays, but no one will ever know.  So my best amiga and I randomly decided to trek our bodies up a local hill, and since that "random" Monday, we have formed a weekly ritual.  While I look forward to Thursdays every week, I now surpass the anticipation with a much needed workout for my legs.  

Ouch... Two weeks ago, I feel hard.  I wish this was the opening to a detailed romance, but unfortunately my knee took the heartbreak in this scenario.  I was jogging my soul away, dreaming about life, and carrying my lungs with force, when splat!  Out of nowhere, my toe tripped on a tree root and I went flying.  Not only did I wobble home whispering "ouch, ouch, ouch," I  rose up from my fall looking like a pirate.  I was covered in dirt, tore open my pants, had a trail of blood dripping down my leg and hand, and immediately thought, "Please tell me no one witnessed that!"

Some say, "You can't always pick your family, but you can pick your friends."  I'd like to disagree... Tis a true story.  Not to spark open a sob story, but I lack a grandpa (as I'm sure many do), but this is a person in my life I've longed to know.  So when life throws you lemons, you of course, turn something sour into something o so sweet.  And let's just say, that's what I did.  I've adopted a grandpa :)  He has a heart larger than life, a voice calmer than a stagnant pond, and a smile that makes me smile! 

Thank you horoscope...Saturday, March 28, 2009, my horoscope read, "Limit your exposure to negativity.  Your mood is buoyant when you simply refuse to listen to doom and gloom statements."  My translation - "Knock the negative Nancy in me aside, continue hiking, watch out for tree roots, appreciate your adopted grandpa, and click your heels to the sound of optimism."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How I heart Thursdays

If I knew the code for the over-used heart character on my keyboard, I would go back and edit my subject line, but because I like to stick with words, I'm sticking with "How I heart Thursdays!"  If that wasn't confusing enough of an opening line, I'll calm things down with the body.  

I love Thursdays, always have, always will.  Monday's supply the stress, Tuesday's are a bore, Wednesday's have a hump, Friday's await in anticipation, Saturday's are o so ... so not what we want them to be, and Sunday's leave little time for what we forgot.  But, Thursday's, well Thursday's strum a different beat.  The drag of the week has passed, the end is near, and smiles are aglow. Look around, you'll notice a difference. 

So if you ever find yourself feeling like a tugboat on Tuesday, don't look ahead for Saturday, find yourself pondering the possibilities of Thursday.  
If you're looking for something out of the ordinary to do, but don't want to paste it into your weekend plans, take your neighbor's dog for a stroll, purchase a bag or two of diapers for a women or refugee shelter, think about your eyes > buy a pair of sunglasses, take 30 minutes or more to write a letter and send it on its way tomorrow, or just sit back, slather some peanut butter on a crisp apple and recap what you've accomplished since Monday, and what you want to achieve come Sunday!  

Today I am filling every minute in with an "insert here" heart character.  

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rotten Pea Pod

An awful way to put a damper on one's favorite day....a rotten pea pod!  I rushed to the kitchen hoping to calm the sound bouncing back and forth in my stomach, scooped out a handful of pods, and saw a white cloud on two.  WHAT?  Mold has taken over and I am more than upset. 

Lesson Learned - To be pleased with the peas, eat them ASAP. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Think Globally, Dine Locally.

A tea room in Idaho?  Wait, a team room in Meridian, Idaho?  Pour me a cup!  Receiving an email from my mother asking if my stomach was growling for lunch, I quickly thought, "O great, I can't wait to devour an over-priced, not fully-cooked, imitation meal courtesy of Chili's." (No-offense to the red pepper regulars).  Instead, of trailing behind 30 1-hour, lunch-break workers to Applebee's, possibly Olive Garden, and wait did I hear Fuddrucker's, I promptly Googled "Local restaurants in Meridian, Idaho." Period.  Life wouldn't be life without Google.  

Moving on, my search displayed 124, 000 posts, and one of thousands shimmered above the rest.  >  <  Easy-breezy, but what startled me after dwindling down my search, was the multiple listings of Taco Bell, McDonald's, and of course, Chili's.  Apparently, "local" in my book differs from local in the local's book.  

Moral of this post, I found a hidden gem.  If I could recommend any visitor, mother-daughter date, or Idaho native to venture outside their norm, I think you just might enjoy Miss Tami's Cottage Expressions and Tea Room as much as I did.  Here is their website, 

and I would recommend the "Blue Cheese Surprise, Vegi (half on whole wheat, with pasta salad), and the Spicy Mint Herbal Tea." (This would be an ideal meal for two).  

If you are willing to drive a few extra miles past Subway, I promise you won't be disappointed. Our waitress was helpful, kind, and knew exactly when to check-up on my mother and I.  Relax for an hour, support local restaurants, and thank Miss Tami on your way out!

Women enduring a war unlike any other...

If you aren't aware what is taking place with women around the world and the battles they continue to face, please read about one area in disarray.

I recently attended a VDay event in New York City, where Eve Ensler began a journey alongside Dr. Denis Mukwege from the DRC, and thousands of supporters.  Eve interviewed Dr. Denis Mukwege seeking an answer, and possible justification for the violence taking place, but after an hour of dissecting and attempting to understand, Eve's jaw was still hanging close to the floor.  While emotionally broken inside, I and the rest of the auditorium was ready to take a stance.  

After reading the posted article, I too hope you are asking yourself, "Why?"  This word may never receive an answer from the perpetrators, but what is the use in clinging on when left alone?  Here are several ways you can pick up your own jaw, voice your opinion, and help show support to the women who have lived through a world destroyed by war.